Thanks to homemade-preschool for the banner design work.
( Have a look around )
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Why should anyone have an interest in "Road-Peace?"
If you care about "World Peace" becoming reality...
( Read on )
If you are one of many who cares about traffic safety, or are just frustrated with "Battling Traffic"...
( see gridlocksmith for coping tips )
If you are a graphic designer or creative artist in nearly any media, who would like to promote peace and gain public exposure for samples of your work...
( Your work, here, will link back to you. )
You want to work with, and for, "Road-Peace."
Imagine that World Peace has been established. Would those who were kind and wise enough to accomplish this feat even think of treating each other the way we do in traffic? Why don't we begin to treat each other the way that those wise future folks will? (poignant pause) Let us begin to improve our behavior in traffic, challenging ourselves to exercise kindness, patience, forgiveness, thoughtfulness and love for our fellow humans.
Whether we cycle, drive or walk, we can "think globally" (World Peace), as we "act locally" (with concern for the safety of each and every one of us).
As our behavior in traffic improves, our new habits will come to be practiced in other areas of our lives, as well.
"Road-Peace is a step
on the road to World Peace."
It may not lead directly to peace,
but, as we become more kind
and thoughtful of each other,
we will be safer on the road.
We will also be less stressed,
and able to think more clearly
and with a more positive attitude.
We will be better able
to find the solutions
to the remaining barriers to peace.
Your participation begins here...
Road-Peace Pledge:
Knowing that I can change
the attitude and behavior of only one person,
I hereby pledge to do my part,
through patience, kindness and forgiveness,
to stubbornly set the loving example needed
to promote Road-Peace,
a step on the road to World Peace.
Help fund the "road-peace movement."
"Spare change?"
Funds are growing short!
Will you be a sport?
The effort costs money,
But things are more sunny
When you show "Support!"
Thank You!
Are you willing to share your talents?
Help is needed in all aspects from fund-raising
to website building and legal issues.
It's not a grass roots effort
if one guy does all the work, is it?
(Besides, my Appleworks6 has been sick.)
with subject: "I want 2 help"
Promote Your Page Too
Designers, feel free to use the posters below
as part of your ad design.
Also, be sure to include the following,
"Want to help spread the message?
(Remember that hyphen.)
If you can figure out how to lay two of these, side-by-side on 8-1/2x11, they can be cut apart for posting on bulletin boards. Or, 4 to a sheet, or full size for store windows.
Ask to display at the tire store, pointing out that it is in their interest to encourage customers to drive kindly. (They like repeat customers, not dead customers.)
(Note to designers/graphic artists: The old AppleWorks6 has not been working, properly... not that I ever knew how to work with it properly. The dimensions on the ad/poster, above: 500x550... with an invisible strip at the bottom, about 7 - what? pixels? Did I mention that I need help? The template version is 450x500, with that same stubborn strip.)
Less youthful visitors will recall "Mr T" of the TV series, The A-Team, who frequently intoned, "I pity the fool!"
This poster, which attempts to remind us with humor, that the power of forgiveness neutralizes the urge to rage, can also be found in the gridlocksmith store.
(Note: I'm not sure if it got altered in the process of squeezing it in, but, here, it is 500x550)
Comments? Suggestions? Want to help?
Learn more about being a "road-peacemaker,"
Need inspiration?
Be kind and thoughtful.
If solution, you are not,
The problem, you are.
Be kind and thoughtful, out there.
If you are not part of the solution,
you are part of the problem.
Help start a new "peace movement" with a donation...
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